Resurrection After Exoneration

The Pitch

Resurrection After Exoneration’s (RAE) mission is to promote and sustain a network of support among the formerly incarcerated, reconnect them to the community, and help provide access to educational opportunities and counseling. RAE focuses on exonerated prisoners but will also reach out and help formerly incarcerated men who wish to make a positive change in their lives and who tackle some of the same problems as exonerees once they are released.

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John Thompson

John Thompson

The Entrepreneur

John Thompson spent eighteen years on Louisiana’s Death Row for a crime he did not commit. He walked out of prison with ten dollars and a bus fare, and he vowed to never go back. His intimate familiarity with what people experience behind prison walls as well as the great obstacles they must overcome after being released led him to launch Resurrection After Exoneration.


2011-2012 Ventures


  • Economic & Workforce Development


