Recoup 360

The Pitch

Recoup 360 offers physical and manual treatments to athletes to help them perform to their fullest potential. Their clients receive top performance recovery experiences to reset their mobility, to regain full range of motion, and to restore their body.

Jhane Garner

Jhane Garner

The Entrepreneur

Jhané Garner is a licensed Athletic Trainer and a Massage Therapist. She graduated with a Bachelors of Science in Athletic Training from Louisiana State University and received her Masters in Sports Management from Florida State University. Jhané created her business Recoup 360 while in graduate school in Tallahassee, Florida as a side hustle, mostly helping athletes from Florida A&M University. Jhané has experience with two Power 5 colleges as well as the NFL. She moved back home to New Orleans to expand her business helping clients achieve their mobility and injury rehabilitation goals through manual therapy.


2023 Impact Accelerator

