Best Life Pharmacy and Restaurant

The Pitch

A New Orleans-based pharmacy and restaurant that offers city-wide delivery of nutritious meals and prescription drugs, with a focus on providing in Diabetes and HIV/AIDS care.


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Best Life Pharmacy and Restaurant
Chris Sylvain & Cynthia Sylvain

Chris Sylvain & Cynthia Sylvain

The Entrepreneur

Chris Sylvain
Chris Sylvain has been a community pharmacist for 34 years working in a major chain as a pharmacy manager, store manager and diabetes trainer before starting Best Life. He is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Pharmacy at Xavier where he has focused on nutrition and herbal medicine. He is the pastor of Faith Church. He hosts wellness programs on WYLD and WBOK radio stations and the NOATV television station.

Cynthia Sylvain
Cynthia Sylvain is a Clinical Social Worker who has worked with youths and adults for the past 32 years and currently is a school social worker. Her family owned Dot and Gladys Restaurant which was a successful soul food restaurant in uptown New Orleans for 13 years. She teaches on stress and wellness in churches and other venues to help people live better lives.


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