StayLocal Office Hours
Sign-up for FREE, one-on-one consultations with local business experts! The expertise of these consultants includes finance, human resources, technology, marketing, legal services, and more. Open to small businesses and nonprofits.
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Thursday, July 20, 2017
8:30 AM – 10:30 AM
Propeller Incubator
4035 Washington Ave.
New Orleans, LA 70119
StayLocal is partnering with local business experts to provide one-on-one consultations to small businesses and non-profits. The expertise of these consultants includes finance, human resources, technology, marketing, legal services, and more!
July 20 Consultants Include:
Andy Romero, Edward Jones, Life Insurance and Retirement Planning
Patricia Pannell, GOTCHA COVERED HR, Human Resources
Lauren Anderson, Lauren C. Anderson Coaching & Consulting Services, Organizational Development
Grant Cooper, Strategic Resumes, Marketing, Media, Branding
Flynn Zaiger, Online Optimism, Marketing, Media, Branding
Amanda Aguillard, Aguillard Accounting, Accounting, Payroll
Kevin Wynne, IBERIABANK, Banking
For any questions in regards to Office Hours and/or to StayLocal, please reach out to Brianna Cunnigham at