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getting started.

Who Can Help Me Start My Own Business in New Orleans?

Getting help right from the start from experienced business professionals and advisors can be critical to the long-term success of your business. There are many organizations and programs, including our own accelerator program, that support New Orleans entrepreneurs, startups, and businesses.


We offer accelerator programs to help New Orleans nonprofit and for-profit entrepreneurs tackle inequities in food, water, health, and education. Our 3-month Startup Accelerator is for entrepreneurs getting their idea to pilot, our 3-month Growth Accelerator works with more established enterprises and culminates in access to $50,000 in equity investment, and our South Broad Business Initiative supports businesses located in Broadmoor, Central City, Hoffman Triangle, Gert Town, and Zion City.

Contact: Erik Paskewich, [email protected], 504 322-3282
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4.0 Schools

An incubator for early-stage education small businesses and nonprofits. Programs include Essentials, a 3-day program to take you from idea to a small-scale pilot and Tiny Fellowship, a 4-12 month program that offers funding and mentorship for entrepreneurs who have run successful pilots.

Contact: Nicole Jarbo, [email protected]
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Catapult Fund

A program of the Jazz & Heritage Foundation offering business training for small businesses in the culinary arts. Program duration is 16 sessions over a four-month period, culminating in access to a pool of $75,000 in grants.

Contact: [email protected], (504) 558-6100
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Camelback Ventures

Camelback Ventures aims to address the inequities of entrepreneurship by providing coaching, capital, and connections to underrepresented entrepreneurs. Camelback’s six-month Fellowship includes an entrepreneurial curriculum as well as an emphasis on community. Camelback supports education and social impact innovators through our Fellowship with the ultimate goal of creating great schools and prosperous, livable communities for all families.

Contact: [email protected]
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BioInnovation Center

Offers free consulting to support startups developing biotech, digital health, and clean technologies with projects including company planning, market research, IP analyses, and raising capital.

Contact: [email protected]
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El Centro

El Centro is dedicated to providing financial and business programming for Spanish speakers.
They offer offer monthly workshops on credit, finance, accounting, marketing, taxes, and personalized consulting, as well as multi-week programs and much more.

Contact: Lindsey Navarro, [email protected]
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Fund 17

Fund 17 provides free tools and resources to New Orleans entrepreneurs with a focus on turning hustles into livelihoods. Their programs help formalize, organize and grow local small businesses. These programs include an intensive Fellowship Program, Business Case Management and Kiva capital access assistance.

Contact: [email protected], (504) 656-4177
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Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses

Operated in partnership with Delgado Community College, this program offers small businesses education for business growth, access to financing and capital, and a network of support from local business experts and the people of Goldman Sachs. The program duration is 11 sessions. Eligible businesses must be in operation for at least two years, with revenue above $150,000 in the last fiscal year and at least four employees.

Contact: Myra Corrello, [email protected]
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Idea Village

Programs include IDEAx, an intensive accelerator for founders focused on creating fundable, scalable businesses, as well as IDEAsessions, 60-minute strategy sessions led by seasoned mentors to help founders test an idea or tackle a specific issue. The Idea Village also produces monthly educational workshops and New Orleans Entrepreneur Week to serve the broader entrepreneurial community.

Contact: Emily Egan, [email protected], 504 304-3284
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An initiative of Thrive New Orleans that helps underserved urban entrepreneurs with revenues of $0-$50,000 gain the competency, confidence, capital and connections necessary to start and grow their own small businesses through a 14-week Business Academy, mentorship, technical assistance, and by walking with them over two years to provide additional coaching and support.

Contact: Chuck Morse, [email protected], 504 564-7739 ext.706
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Louisiana Small Business Development Center – New Orleans

Provides free consulting for Louisiana small businesses, with a focus on helping entrepreneurs find access to capital. The Center also helps with websites, acquiring customers, certifications, as well as disaster preparedness and sustainability planning.

Contact: [email protected]
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Maroon Workspace is a home for changemakers to foster innovation, collaborate with like-minded people, and embrace equity. Based in the heart of New Orleans, this shared working space will bring together one of the most diverse communities in the country: professionals, entrepreneurs, creatives and techies.

Contact: [email protected]
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Flyte is a small business focused nonprofit that runs a fully virtual, 12-month program. We are based out of New Orleans but serve small businesses across Southeast Louisiana, predominantly owned by Black women from low and moderate-income households.

Contact: [email protected]
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SUNO Small Business Development & Management Institute (SBDMI)

Offered through SUNO, this multi-week course for potential and existing entrepreneurs offers a practical, condensed series of entrepreneurial technical and training sessions. The purpose of the course is to teach entrepreneurs better business planning skills, from business concept development to actual preparation of a comprehensive business plan.

Contact: Cynthia Beaulieu, [email protected], 504 284-5512
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Urban League of Louisiana’s Women’s Business Resource Center (WBRC)

Provides free educational programs, technical assistance, and other support services to existing female business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs. Walk-ins are welcome, appointments preferred.

Contact: Klassi Duncan, [email protected], 504 620-9647
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Getting Funding For Your Small Business

The costs involved in starting a new business can be extensive, but luckily, so are the financial resources available to startup companies. Rather than list them all here, we’ve created an additional resource page dedicated to ways to fund your small business.