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business certifications.

Getting Certified as a DBE, MBE, or WOSB

We know talent is equally distributed across all races, ethnicities, and genders. Entrepreneurial success, however, hasn’t been equitably enjoyed by all New Orleans business owners, particularly entrepreneurs of color. We hold ourselves accountable to making sure the groups of entrepreneurs who go through our accelerator programs are representative of the city where we live. We are also working to increase access to capital for women and entrepreneurs of color.

In addition to Propeller’s own work, certifications can provide entrepreneurs of color and female entrepreneurs with access to resources, networks, and grants. See below for a list of available certifications and their benefits.

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)

A small business (gross receipts under $23.98 million in the previous three fiscal years) that is majority (at least 51%) owned, operated, and controlled by socially or economically disadvantaged individuals. The DBE Program is a race and gender neutral program that does not presume social and economic disadvantage. Each applicant must provide proof of their social and economic disadvantage on their application.

State of Louisiana Certification (LAUCP)
The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development certifies businesses pursuing contracts in the State of Louisiana, except for firms providing concessions. Concession businesses must be certified by the agency closest to their primary place of business.
Learn more and apply >

City of New Orleans Certification (SLDBE)
The New Orleans Office of Supplier Diversity certifies businesses pursuing contracts in the City of New Orleans and surrounding areas. Businesses that are already certified through the State’s LAU can be granted provisional certification with the City of New Orleans by providing evidence of certification and requesting a letter of authorization from the Office of Supplier Diversity by emailing [email protected].
Learn more and apply >

Minority Business Enterprise (MBE)


A business that is majority (at least 51%) minority-owned, operated, and controlled. Minority is defined here as an individual who is at least 25% Asian, Black, Hispanic or Native American. The MBE program is open to businesses of all sizes and has no cap on annual revenues.

The Southern Region Minority Supplier Development Council certifies all businesses whose primary operations are located in Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, and Arkansas. Certification is valid for 1 year from issue date. Certification fee is based on annual revenue and starts at $300 for businesses with annual revenue under $1 million.
Learn more and apply >

Women Owned Small Business (WOSB)

A small business (gross receipts under $23.98 million in the previous three fiscal years) that is majority (at least 51%) owned, controlled, operated, and managed by a woman or women.

There a number of ways to get certified to participate in set aside programs and awards made available through the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Woman Owned Small Businesses (WOSB). The SBA accepts self-certification, as well as third-party certifications through the National Women Business Owners Corporation, U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce, and Women’s Business Enterprise National Council, all of which come with their own networking opportunities and benefits.
Learn more and apply >

Getting Funding For Your Business

The costs involved in starting a new business can be extensive, but luckily, so are the financial resources available to startup companies. You can find them on our additional resource page dedicated to ways to fund your small business.