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non-profit resources.

LED SEBD Cost Share Program

Propeller is partnered with the Louisiana Economic Development’s Small and Emerging Business Development (LED SEBD) department to offer cost-sharing for projects that aid business growth for  qualifying for-profit entities in need of technical assistance.

Funds are available to LED SEBD certified businesses for projects that increase sales, develop full-time employment opportunities, and improve the business’ ability to access capital. LED SEBD pays third party contractors 50% for approved projects, up to $2,500. Business owners are responsible for the remaining 50% of project costs.

Business owners can use LED SEBD cost-share funds to hire third party contractors for technical assistance in:

  • Marketing consulting, design of marketing material, including logo design
  • Inventory management
  • Human resources
  • Establishment of in-house accounting
  • Development of a new website for the organization
  • Legal services
  • Information systems (excludes purchase of equipment and supplies but may include purchase of computer software if the software is necessary to provide training in its use)
  • Any specialized help that will enhance your knowledge or that will provide tools that help the business become more competitive

Cost Share Program Requirements And Limitations

All applicants must be LED SEBD certified and complete a brief assessment before applying for LED SEBD cost share funds.

Cost-sharing is available to for-profit businesses with over $10,000 in sales in the past 12 months. Companies with less than $10,000 in sales for the last 12 months are only eligible to participate in training classes.

Total project cost must be at least $500. Projects may cost up to $5,000, with a $2,500 limit on LED SEBD’s share per project. There is a $4,000 limit on LED SEBD’s expenditures per client per fiscal year. The process requires a certificate of project completion and receipts before payment is made. Payments generally are made directly  to 3rd party vendors, not to the business owner.

The LED SEBD Program will NOT pay for the following projects:

  • Purchase of equipment and supplies
  • Training to help maintain (routine) certifications such as CEUs
  • Routine operating costs
  • Tax preparation
  • Video projects including production, editing, encoding or placement of ads
  • Layout, design & script development is eligible
  • Travel expenses, licensing fees, subscriptions or app development

Applying For The LED SEBD Cost Share Program

Propeller staff is here to guide business owners through every step of the LED SEBD cost-share application process. The LED SEBD cost-share program requires careful documentation and the approval process can be lengthy. This program is the best resource for businesses who have clear project goals, and sufficient time to collect and submit necessary documentation. To apply, businesses must:

  1. Register for an SEBD certification or provide documentation of SEBD certification. Visit the LED’s Small and Emerging Business Development website to complete the quick and free certification.
  2. Complete a brief assessment with Propeller staff to identify business needs.
  3. Select a third-party contractor for the proposed project.
  4. Submit project proposal detailing project scope and deliverables to Propeller staff. Applicants or contractors can develop their own proposals, or Propeller can provide an SEBD Cost Share Proposal template.
  5. Propeller submits proposals to SEBD for approval. Projects must be approved before work can begin with the contractor. Project proposals may require multiple rounds of revisions and submissions before approval.
  6. Submit all required documentation including receipts, and proof of completion.
  7. Please email Propeller Programs Manager Amber Tucker at [email protected] if you would like to learn more about applying for the SEBD Cost Share program.0